Tuesday, January 8, 2008

How to be pulled into your future with joy and delight.

Happy 2008 to you! This year is going to be the very best ever, I can just feel it. I am happy to be back on my Blog and intend to Blog for you at least four times a week.

I truly look forward to supporting you this entire year and beyond.

Have you written your 2008 goals and intentions yet?

I have enjoyed getting crystal clear on exactly what I want to manifest this year and it feels so good. I am super excited, so much that I awake each morning with butterflies in my belly!

This weekend I spent some really fun quality time creating my 2008 Vision Board. I have been playing with Vision Boards for several years now, and I am continuously blown away by the power of co-creating with the Universe. I highly recommend that you create your Vision Board and then sit back and watch the Universe work its magic!

Here are some tips to help you create and cement your 2008 vision.

Crafting Your Vision Board
By Amanda Moxley
How to be pulled into your future with joy and delight.

Step 1: Dream BIG and imagine your ideal life.

Step 2: Write about your BIG dream in your journal. You can categorize your ideal life into different segments such as Home Cooking and Healthy Eating, Your Ideal Body, Your Ideal Relationship, Travel and Adventures, Education and Self Improvement Classes (like my 30 Day Whole Body and Mind Cleanse and my 30 Days to Optimal Health Programs), Abundance and Finances, Giving and Sharing, Your Career and Dream Job, etc.

Step 3: Enjoy picking pictures, phrases and words out of your favorite magazines. Clip pictures that really jazz you up and get you super excited about your future.

Step 4: Get a paper board that calls to you (mine is yellow) what color is yours?

Step 5: Breathe and take your time gluing your pictures onto your board. It may take you a month don’t rush, take your time and enjoy your vision board journey!

Step 6: Here is a really cool tip, harness the power of the Universe by creating your Vision Board on the New Moon. The New Moon is a wonderful time to birth new ideas, dreams and visions. Then on the full moon take your Vision Board outside and bake it in the moonlight (feel the beautiful moon energy charging your Vision Board with love and light.)

Step 8: Hang your Vision Board where you will see it every day. Find a special wall in your bedroom, office or kitchen. Mine is on the wall next to my bed. It is the first thing I see when I wake up in the morning. My Vision Board pulls me out of bed and gets me excited about my life in a really positive way.

Step 9: Look at it daily, close your eyes and visualize your ideal life. Get into the feeling of what it would feel like if your vision was a reality now.

Step 10: Keep adding to it. If you see some pictures that really juice you up add them to your board as you move through the year.

Step 11: Take your Vision Board down when the time is right, put the date on it and store it somewhere special. Be grateful for your Vision and the amazing Universe and make a new one!

Creating your vision is a VERY powerful way to pull you forward into your future. It allows you to become crystal clear on your vision, hopes, dreams and desires for the year. If you can spot it, you got it!

I love hearing from you! Please share your experiences with creating Vision Boards with me.

Love and Health,

Amanda Moxley
Certified Holistic Health Counselor
Holistic Nutrition and Life Balance Expert

1 comment:

Eric Pangilinan said...


I've found the coolest and most effective tool to help with the visualization process - a great vision board software called Mind Movies Creator.

It was created by Ryan Higgins to help others visualize and manifest the life of their dreams. See a video and find out why here http://www.squidoo.com/vision-board-software

A Mind Movie allows you to create a vision of what you want, together with your Favorite song… the one that makes you feel good, the one that makes you want to dance, the one that makes you smile and sing along.

It’s like a 3 minute slide show/movie of your perfect life.

I’m trying it out now.

I’m having fun making my own vision board/mind movie.

And because it’s a software, no need to cut up magazines!

