Friday, January 18, 2008

Meal Planning

Yesterday I had a client ask me for a meal plan and I wanted to share my response to her question with you.

I personally do not like meal plans because I feel they take your ability to tap into your intuition away from you.

I encourage you to develop your intuition and your own unique way of eating that works for you and uniquely for you.

My intention is for you to develop some rock solid holistic nutrition principals, try new foods, become more quiet and be able to begin to LISTEN to your beautiful body.

You are the expert on you. Once you learn to listen, your body will speak to you more and more and its voice will get louder and louder and then you will learn to TRUST, Honor and respect your bodies wisdom. This is not an extreme diet or extreme fast or cleanse. You are developing a new way of eating, living and relating to food.

Having said that I will now offer some meal suggestions:

Eat grains for breakfast-oatmeal or Ezekial Toast or eggs and a sprouted whole wheat tortilla.

Drink the electrolyte lemonade for a snack or eat a Lara bar, or Nectar bar, apple, or other fruit, avocados, hummus and carrots.

Lunch -Eat one large organic salad every day! Eat grains, greens, beans, nuts, seeds, avocados, fruit or green juice. If you like eat tuna fish or chicken or fish.

Dinner- Ideas-Soup, salad, fish, Whole grain pasta like quinoa pasta and marinara, sweet potatoes, experiment with the recipes. I love eating vegetable stir fry with brown rice or quinoa.

The best thing to focus on is eat less meat, milk, sugar, artificial, chemicalized junk food. Add in more whole grains like quinoa, oatmeal, millet, amaranth, and brown rice. Enjoy more organic green leafy vegetables like kale, collards, chard, spinach, and romaine lettuce. Buy organic grass fed meat and less processed, artificial meats.

What are your favorite meal plans?

What do you think about meal plans?

Have you been on a meal plan in the past and how did it suit you?

I hope after reading this you feel empowered, excited and ready to try new foods and to begin to listen to your body. The possibilities are endless!

Try this exercise get a big piece of paper and draw four columns.

Step 1) In the first column: List all the foods you are 100% positive and happy eating every day of your life. The foods that give you joy, energy and radiance.

Step 2): In the second column: List all the foods that you wouldn't ideally eat on a daily basis but you would be ok with enjoying several times a week. These foods are good but they don’t give you that alive, juiced up feeling that clears your mind and helps you feel light in your body.

Step 3): In the third column: List the foods and drinks that you wouldn't eat UNLESS you were really stuck and there was nothing else to have

Step 4): In the fourth column: List all the foods that your body tells you it never wants to eat again.

Feel clearer?

Clarity is power and this exercise will really help you to get clear on what's important to you and why. It also may get you thinking more or assist you in knowing which foods feed your soul and which foods keep you playing small and feeling stuck.

Love and Health,

Amanda Moxley
Certified Holistic Health Counselor
Holistic Nutrition and Life Balance Expert

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