Thursday, January 17, 2008

Twice a Day Visualization and Manifestation

Here is an example of a "script" I visualize, affirm and dream every day. Please use this script to craft your own.

First thing every morning and every single night of my life I go through this:

Step 1: Pick a specific date for when you will achieve, attain or realize your goal or dream.
Example: It is February 14, 2008 and I have my ideal body!

Step 2 Write down what you intend to give or do in order to attain your goal or dream.
I intend to nourish my cells, organs, tissues, bones, skin, hair, nails, teeth and body with delicious and nutritious whole real organic foods, purifying drinks and plenty of water.

I intend to slow down and eat mindfully.

I intend to release and let go of unhealthy foods and unhealthy cravings.

I intend to ski 2-3 times per week.

I intend to practice yoga 4-5 times per week.

I intend to enjoy doing sit ups and push ups four times per week.

I intend to sleep deeply and nourish my body as the temple of my soul.

Step 3: State your belief and your faith.
Example: My faith is so strong that I will attain my ideal body that I can actually see it with my own eyes. I can feel it in my bones.

Step 4: Describe what it FEELS like to attain, achieve or realize your goal or dream.
I feel amazing!
I love my body!
I am thin, strong and flexible.
I am beautiful.
My belly feels good.
My hips feel small.
My legs are strong and defined.
I feel so good.

Step 5: Visualize what your goal or dream looks like and feel what it feels like!
Example: Every single morning and every single night, close your eyes and SEE and FEEL what you described in step 4.

Step 6: Write out a clear and concise statement outlining the steps above,

Step 7: Read it aloud twice daily, memorize it and visualize it twice daily!

I would love to hear your statement or at least see it in writing. My intention is to for my Blog to be an interactive site where you feel safe and comfortable to express yourself and to receive feedback in return.

Please leave a comment here and we can all support each other in creating and realizing our dreams.

Love and Health,
Amanda Moxley
Holistic Health Counselor
Holistic Nutrition and Life Balance Expert

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