Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Welcome to December

This is the month to give love to yourself. Treat yourself as a precious lover whom you adore. Do everything to make your life more loving, healthy, happy, and creative. Fulfill yourself completely.

Do you remember your intentions, goals, resolutions and visions for yourself for 2007?

Are you happy and proud that you followed your heart and lived in integrity or are you disappointed with your 2007 progress?

If you are happy congratulations! If you are disappointed in your 2007 results please be gentle with yourself and know that you still have 23 days to turn it around before the end of the year!

Go back to your notes, journal, calendar or speak with your friends you shared your 2007 visions, goals and resolutions with. Get support, follow your heart and do your best!

Love and Health,
Amanda Moxley
Holistic Health Counselor
Holistic Nutrition and Life Balance Expert

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