Monday, December 10, 2007

Announcing my 2008 30 Day Whole Body and Mind Cleansing Program

Announcing my 2008 30 Day Whole Body and Mind Cleansing Program
Begins January 16th-February 6th 2008

*Ever thought about a cleanse?
*Do you want to cleanse but don't know where to start?
*Are you intimidated by the thought of a cleanse?
*Have you tried a cleanse and thought it was "too hard"?
*Do you feel like it's time to slow down?
*Do you eat for reasons other than hunger?
*Do you want to prepare your body for winter?
*Are you ready to learn more?

If so, I totally understand. Up until a few years ago, I felt the same way but I learned how to cleanse, rejuvenate and balance myself before winter and now I feel better than ever.

In this 30-Day Program, I will personally guide you through a gentle, socially accepting transformational cleansing journey.

To learn more and to sign up please visit my site

Amanda Moxley
Certified Holistic Health Counselor
Holistic Nutrition and Life Balance Expert

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