Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Kale with Raisins and Toasted Pine Nuts

As a holistic health counselor I love sharing easy to make delicious and nutritious recipes with my clients and friends. Kale is my favorite green leafy vegetable because it tastes so good and it is packed with an abundant supply of vitamins, minerals and fiber. Greens are good for your lungs and immune system. I recommend eating at least 1-3 servings of greens daily to keep the Doctor away!

Kale with Raisins and Toasted Pine Nuts

Serves 4-6

¼ cup toasted pine nuts
¾ pound kale (about 6 cups chopped)
2 cups water
2 teaspoons extra virgin olive oil
2 garlic cloves, minced
1/3 cup of raisins
sea salt to taste

1) Toast pine nuts in a dry skillet stirring frequently so not to burn or place in a 325 degree oven for 5 minutes or until golden. Set aside.

2) Strip the leaves off the kale stalks. Discard stalks and roughly chop kale. Bring the water to a boil in a large skillet that has a tight fitting lid. Add the kale and cook, covered over high heat, stirring occasionally, until tender, approximately 5 minutes.

3) Rinse out and dry the skillet, then use it to heat the olive oil over medium heat, lifting and tilting the pan to coat. Add garlic and sauté for 15 seconds. Add raisins and sauté for 30 seconds to 1 minute, stirring constantly to prevent browning or burning. Raisins should be glossy and slightly puffed.

4) Add greens and stir to combine. Season with salt to taste and cover for a minute until greens are heated through. Serve hot, garnished with toasted pine nuts.

Amanda Moxley
Holistic Health Counselor
Holistic Nutrition and Life Balance Expert

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