Friday, November 9, 2007

Writing New Moon Intentions

Creating New Moon Intentions

Here is a ritual on how to work with the new moon Energy to help manifest your intentions. The new moon is the time in nature when it is easy to start new projects and create new intentions. It is also a good way to deepen your connection to the earth.

Today is a New Moon.

New Moon Intentions are a concrete way of stating what you want in your life. Some of your wants will take time to manifest, others will come quickly. Your intentions or wishes are written statements of what you want to manifest for the coming Moon cycle.

Your list should consist of at least two wishes and no more than ten, so as not to scatter the energy. Start each wish with the words I intend because you are stating what you want to fulfill your desires and needs.

NEW MOON ABUNDANCE CHECK During the first eight hours of the New Moon write a check to yourself. Write your name in the section labeled "Pay to the order of". Write Paid in Full in both the amount sections. Sign the check with the words, Law of Abundance. Place the check on your altar or put it in a special place and prepare to receive!

I have been writing my New Moon intentions every month for more than a year. I write them on the new moon and then place my intentions outside under the full moon two weeks later and let them bake. I found writing my intentions in rhythm with nature is a very powerful way to co-create my life with the Universe.

Write your new moon intentions today!

Amanda Moxley
Holistic Nutrition and Life Balance Expert

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