Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Rekindle your summer love!

What a relief I am finally back to my healthy old self! I have rekindled my absolute love and passion for mountain biking in the past few days. I am very happy. Strenuous exercise increases my confidence, strenghthens my body and relaxes my mind.

The beginning of fall I was content with staying indoors working, writing, reading, practicing yoga and relaxing. I put my love for mother nature and my bike on the back burner.

Have you placed one of your summer loves on the back burner?

You too can rekindle your summer love.

Amanda Moxley
Holistic Nutrition and Life Balance Expert


rosieo said...

Amanda, thanks so much for sharing this! After reading, I am experiencing some mountain bike envy. I'm thinking Saturday might be a good day to try and ride some singletrack one more time before ski season. Where have you been riding that you recommend?

Amanda Moxley said...

Hi Rosie,
So fun to meet you here! I have rode Millcreek pipeline and will ride the Quarry today.

Have a blast on Saturday!

Thanks for posting a comment on my Blog. You are the first one. Keep it up.
