Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Thanksgiving Turkey

Happy Thanksgiving to you! Did you order your Thanksgiving turkey yet? Before you do, ask yourself a few questions... How was your turkey raised? Did it grow up running around in the sun, happily ranging freely in the grass? (Free- ranging animal protein contains a much higher amount of Omega 3 fatty acids than animals raised in a factory farm.) Did you find your turkey at the grocery store? What did the label say? Does your turkey contain added ingredients such as nitrates and sugars? Don't be fooled by the word natural. The labeling laws around this are very loose. Look for the words organic and free-range. Your best bet is to go straight to a family farm where the turkeys have been well cared for. So you would rather not eat a turkey... Beware of imitation meat products. They usually contain isolated proteins, which are very dangerous for your nervous system.

Whatever you decide to eat this season, eat it with gratitude and chew it well. Breathe and smile as you eat and your body will thank you!

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