Saturday, November 17, 2007

My Top Five Tips for Burning Belly Fat

Amanda's Top 5 Tips for Burning Belly Fat for Good!
I hope you take these tips seriously!

1. Make up your mind that you are ready to change and then commit to giving it your 100% effort!

2. Stop eating chocolate, cookies, muffins (to avoid a muffin top waist), candy bars and other sweet processed treats for a week or two.

3. Replace processed crackers with gluten free flax crackers, the brand I like is "Mary's Gone Crackers", eat more crunchy vegetables like carrots, celery (boring I know but they are crunchy), and crunchy apples, organic of course.

4. Stop eating all chips at least for a week or two. Chips are nothing but fried corn or potatoes, chemicals, additives and salt. Replace chips with other salty crunchy alternatives such as sea vegetables like nori and dulse or snack on olives and raw nuts.

5. Exercise! Seriously you gotta use it or you'll lose it. You may be thinking that you do not have time to exercise but that is just an excuse. I recommend getting your calendar, palm pilot or day planner out right now and scheduling in exactly when you can exercise this week, ask a friend to hold you to your promise to yourself. As a side note just because you exercised today does not give you an excuse to eat more or eat "whatever" you want.

Amanda Moxley
Holistic Nutrition and Life Balance Expert

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