Tuesday, November 20, 2007

November 23rd Buy Nothing Day

November 23rd, the heaviest shopping day of the year, will mark the day that concerned citizens in as many as 65 countries will hit the streets for a 24-hour consumer fast in celebration of the 15th annual Buy Nothing Day, a global cultural phenomenon that originated in Canada. Buy Nothing Day focuses on concerns about the ecological, psychological and political consequences of our consumer culture and the impact of our materialism on society.

Community Organizations in Utah have joined together for this year’s second annual Buy Nothing Day Winter Coat Exchange at Library Plaza, 200 East 400 South in Salt Lake City from 10am to 2pm. These organizations hope to set the example of sharing, giving and reusing without consuming the planet.

Bring your winter coats, jackets and sweaters between 10am and 2pm on the 23rd to Library Plaza. If you need a coat, come get one. If you have a coat, we know someone who can use it.

Left over coats will be donated to the Crossroads Urban Center Thrift Store.

Information: 631-2998 or info@blueskyinstitute.org


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