Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Pantry Makeover

How to do a successful pantry makeover:
Step 1: Go into your kitchen pantry and refrigerator, pull out all of your the food and place everything on a table. Have several boxes and or bags ready. Read all of the ingredient labels on your packaged and prepared foods.

Step 2: Look for added sweeteners like sugar (including cane crystals, evaporated cane juice, demarara, turbinado, brown sugar, cane syrup), high fructose corn syrup, corn syrup, dextrose, glucose, sucrose, cyclamate, saccharin, sucralose or aspartame. , put those foods in the “I am ready to let go of these foods and make a change for my health” pile.

Step 3: Look for sodium, sodium nitrate, salt, MSG or lard, citric acid, put those items in the "I am ready to let go of these foods and make a change for my health” pile. Sodium nitrite is linked to causing cancer, it’s found in processed meats like hot dogs, bacon, sausage. Used to make meats appear red (a color fixer chemical).

Step 4: Look for hydrogenated or partially-hydrogenated oils, high fructose corn syrup, MSG, corn starch, enriched wheat and enriched flour. Hydrogenated oils (trans fat) are linked to causing heart disease, nutritional deficiencies, general deterioration of cellular health, and much more. Found in cookies, crackers, margarine and many "manufactured" foods. Trans fats are used to make oils stay in the food to extend shelf life. Sometimes also called "plastic fat."

Step 5: Look for excitotoxins -- aspartame, monosodium glutamate and others. These neurotoxic chemical additives directly harm nerve cells, over- exciting them to the point of cell death, according to Dr. Russell Blaylock. They're found in diet soda, canned soup, salad dressing, breakfast sausage and even many manufactured vegetarian foods. They're used to add flavor to over-processed foods,.
boring foods that have had the life cooked out of them.

Step 6: ALWAYS READ THE INGREDIENT LIST. If you need a chemistry degree to pronounce the list, it's not real food.
Most boxed food is "fast" food or "convenient "food. Mashed potatoes, chips, macaroni and cheese, pasta, instant rice, muffin and cake mix, stuffing, cereal, crackers and cookies.
This type of packaged food robs your body of real nutrients. Buy packaged foods that sound like you could make them yourself, with ingredients you could buy easily.

Step 7: What to do with the "I am ready to let go of these foods and make a change for my health" pile? You have 2 two choices, you can donate the “food” to a local food pantry or you can throwough it away.

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