Wednesday, October 24, 2007


I am beginning my 30 day Whole Body and Mind Cleansing group program with 22 courageous and beautiful people tonight. I am ecstatic and honored to be guiding them on their journey to healthy living!

I bought 18 pounds of organic local apples from the farmer's market last Saturday. Mother Nature is blessing us with her abundance of apples!

My neighborhood is an abundant fruit orchard. There are pear, apple, apricot, peach and cherry trees blooming all summer long. I find it very strange that the majority of these divine fruits are left rotting on manicured chemical laiden lawns and no one seems to care!

A few weekends ago, Johnn and I went for a walk and harvested an entire months worth of apples and peaches. We came home and I baked applesauce muffins, apple sauce and apple squash soup!

Here are some great benefits of eating apples: apples are very high in fiber and help cleanse the intestines of impurities. Apples and fresh live apple juice speed up the bowels and heal irritation while cleansing excessive mucus caused by eating a lot of bread, pasta and dairy. Mucus can stay in your body and can cause constipation, malabsorption, and irritation or bleeding to the intestinal wall. Apples are renowned for healing intestinal ailments such as diarrhea and intestinal bleeding.

Bon Appetit!

Health and happiness,
Amanda Moxley
Holistic Health Conselor
Holictic Nutrition and Life Balance Expert

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